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Welcome to my blog! Join me as I try to understand the world around me and go through cycles of avoiding and experiencing burn out. There will be a new post at least twice a month. Leave a comment under the blogs!
Tops: University of Michigan (Part 3: Senior Year)
Tops: University of Michigan (Part 2: Junior Year)
Tops: University of Michigan (Part 1: Underclassman)
Recent featured Research
“Do I belong in my community?” Latino Adolescents' Perceptions of Neighborhood Belonging
This study investigates how community violence exposure, fear of crime, and community-based activity participation contribute to adolescents' sense of neighborhood belonging, and whether neighborhood belonging, in turn, influences adolescents' psychological well-being. The sample consists of 224 Latino 9th graders attending 4 low-resourced, urban schools in the northeastern United States. As hypothesized, adolescents’ fear of crime was negatively associated with their sense of neighborhood belonging, and a greater sense of neighborhood belonging was associated with fewer depressive symptoms, but not less anxiety. Further, gender had a moderating effect such that girls who participated in more community-based activities reported a greater sense of neighborhood belonging, while the opposite was true for boys. Important intervention and policy implications for these findings are discussed.